Web3 Racing - Icon.X World Prepares Beta Test on September 2023

You might not believe it, but Icon.X World is changing car racing! How? By using web3, esports, and cool stuff like blockchain and NFTs.

Keep reading to learn about what makes Icon.X World so amazing, who they're teaming up with, and a sneak peek at their upcoming events.
GameFi, with its integration of NFTs, represents the future of blockchain gaming and finance.

Web3 Racing - Icon.X World Prepares Beta Test on September 2023

Credit: Icon.X World

A Racing Adventure You Can Own

Imagine racing in a super-realistic digital world where you own your car! That's what Icon.X World is all about. By adding blockchain and NFTs, players can feel like they really own their cars. Even cooler, you can make your car your own with awesome designs made by famous artists!

Joining Forces and Teaming Up for Fun Times

Icon.X World knows that teamwork makes the dream work! They're working with big names like Alpine, Mirage, and Aston Martin Racing. With these powerful teams together, everyone will have a blast on the platform! And hey, guess what? Icon.X World went to the NFT Paris event with Alpine NFT, the web3 part of the Alpine Racing Team. This makes them an even bigger force in the racing world.

Beta Launch

Right now, Icon.X World is fine-tuning their platform. At this stage, called the "closed beta," hardworking developers and gamers are working as one. 
Their goal is to make the racing feel real. What's beta testing? It's when people try out the game before it's out for everyone.

How's it going? It's going well! People love the top-notch graphics, real-feeling gameplay, and how well the blockchain parts work.

Exciting stuff is on the horizon—Icon.X World's big public beta start is in September 2023! It's happening at the Token2049 event in Singapore. 

If you're there, you can race, win cool prizes, and maybe even get some airdrops. Everyone's looking forward to this—gamers, racing fans, and those interested in blockchain technology.

What's Next?

Icon.X World isn't just changing racing—it's changing esports too! Thanks to gaming and blockchain technology, you get a racing experience that's about more than just speed. Don't think it's just a game.

It's real! That's what Icon.X World does—removes the gap between the digital and real world of racing. 

I mean, Icon.X World is making way for a new kind of esports. With the help of their friends and partners, their chance to make a big mark is great!

Icon.X World is where the future of car racing and esports meets. From the moment you log in, you're not just racing--you're part of something bigger. How does Icon.X World do it? By using blockchain and NFTs, Icon.X World allows users to own their racing journey, for real. Watch out for more from Icon.X World. We know they're going to make big waves in the world of car racing.

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