The Cycle of Technological Hype: Debunking the NFT, VR, and AI Myth

A lot of technological developments have taken place in the video game business and were predicted to completely alter how we play games. Currently, three major technologies - VR, NFTs, and the metaverse - are under the spotlight, each carrying the potential to radically alter the gaming world. But as we investigate the field of artificial intelligence (AI), doubt returns. 

Is artificial intelligence (AI) truly set to transform gaming, or is it simply another overblown tech trend that will disappoint?

AI: The Buzzword of 2023

AI has recently gained popularity as a buzzword across several industries, including gaming. Projects like ChatGPT and Midjourney have demonstrated how AI can improve gaming experiences, which has sparked a widespread use of AI technologies by businesses.

It's challenging to embrace the AI hype wholeheartedly, though, as an industry watcher who has seen several innovations come and go.



VR: A Market that Fell Short

Virtual reality (VR) is among the most notable examples of technology hype. The Oculus Rift, upon its arrival in 2016, was praised as the future of the gaming sector. In a decade, it was predicted that the VR market will grow to hundreds of billions of dollars, possibly displacing more established gaming systems.

However, as we approach a decade since its introduction, it's evident that VR hasn't fulfilled its grand promise.

Although there is presently a market for VR, it is still quite modest when compared to the whole gaming business. The vision of VR as the main platform for gaming has not come to pass. Instead, once thrilling purchases like VR headsets frequently end up gathering dust in closets.


Meta is set to open its first physical retail store on May 9. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

This sentiment is supported by personal experiences, as many enthusiasts have discovered that they spend a disproportionate amount of time on PC and consoles compared to VR. While VR hasn't necessarily failed outright, it has undoubtedly fallen short of the high standards that were set for it.

NFTs and the Metaverse: The Illusion of Revolution

NFTs and the metaverse both gained popularity as revolutionary ideas for gaming, along with VR. Gamers and investors alike were drawn in by NFTs, which promised digital ownership, and the metaverse, which offered a shared virtual world for immersive experiences.

However, just like VR, the hype surrounding NFTs and the metaverse has far outweighed any real benefits.

Although a few famous NFT projects have acquired popularity, there hasn't been a significant increase in the use of NFTs as useful gaming components. NFTs are frequently viewed as speculative investments rather than fundamental components of the gaming ecosystem. Similarly, while intriguing, the idea of the metaverse is still more theoretical than practical, with only a few experimental projects taking shape.

AI in Games: Prospects and Realism

The most recent competitor in the race to reinvent gaming is AI. It has a wide range of potential uses, including procedural content generation and NPCs powered by AI. Businesses scramble to implement AI technologies, bragging about their AI-driven gaming experiences and ground-breaking game production methodologies. But it's critical to approach AI in games with a pragmatic mindset.


While AI can surely enhance gameplay, narrative, and player interactions, it is hardly a magic bullet that will overnight transform the industry. AI, though a potent tool, isn't a magic bullet for every issue game players and developers face. When artificial intelligence (AI) doesn't bring about the dramatic shift that was anticipated, unrealistic expectations might cause disillusionment.

Learning from the Past

It's critical to take historical lessons into account as we traverse the constantly changing environment of gaming technologies. Virtual reality (VR), NFTs, and the metaverse have all experienced periods of enthusiasm and subsequent letdown. They gave us insightful lessons regarding the mismatch between expectations and realities around new technologies. It's important to avoid getting swept away by the hype and promises surrounding AI in video games.

Let's take a cautiously optimistic approach to AI in gaming instead. In areas like NPC behavior, dynamic gaming landscapes, and customized user experiences, AI indeed, has already shown its potential.


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