Jack Butcher Launches 'Elements', an Inspiring NFT Collection Supported by Physical Prints

Jack Butcher, the innovator behind the groundbreaking Checks VV NFT series and Visualise Value agency, is set to introduce a unique new project called Checks Elements. In this project, he combined tangible prints with digital art.

A Closer Look at the Series of Checks Elements

The Checks Elements collection, which consists of a stunning assortment of 152 works of generative art, is motivated by the four traditional elements of earth, fire, water, and air. Each work is a special fusion of colour that has been algorithmically chosen to represent these primordial forces. The book puts the riveting subject of the "constantly shifting connection that exists between consensus and reality" front and centre.

Web3 Jack Butcher

Checks Elements by Jack Butcher

Butcher explained the project's conceptual structure to CoinDesk, saying that "Elements are technically... the first example of decentralised consensus." In terms of online consensus and its comparison to pre-internet consensus, our aim is to reflect the subjects covered by Checks. Across the broad spectrum of history, myriad nations, languages, and ideologies have consistently endorsed the four elemental categories of existence: earth, water, air, and fire.

The Alpha Elements are put up for auction

At Christie's upcoming auction, running from May 16 to May 23, representations of three of the pivotal "Alpha" elements - water, air, and earth - will be showcased. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital will be given a portion of the auction's earnings in kind. Starting on May 20, both the actual prints and their digital replicas will be on show at Christie's New York Gallery.

In a 24-hour public auction, the other Checks Elements, notably the fourth Alpha element, fire, will be put up for bid. As of June 24, the original prints will be open for procurement.

Web3 Jack Butcher

Checks Elements by Jack Butcher

The Beginning of a New Era with Checks

Checks Elements is another example of how Jack Butcher is upending the fields of artistic creation and technological innovation. In our highly interconnected culture, he pushes viewers to interact with the complicated interplay between consensus and reality.

NFT Cheackmark

Checks Elements by Jack Butcher

The algorithm employed in the original Checks series was modified to create the Checks Elements collection. Butcher's team used an on-chain SVG file processed through a traditional lithographic printing press to transform the NFT outputs into spectacular 30-inch by 43-inch monoprints in conjunction with renowned printer Jean Robert Milant and Cirrus editions.

Expertise in the Production of Physical Prints

The special four-by-four Checks grid was carved on a plate that was utilised by the printer to create the actual prints. According to the mathematical results developed by Butcher and his team, each colour utilised in the collection was painstakingly applied one at a time. Each tangible piece was authenticated using Butcher's fingerprint, and each piece of art is connected with an Ethereum-based NFT.

Although some elements from the original Checks collections will be included in the auction, Butcher warned that this concept might not work with other gamified items. Owners of previous Checks collections could combine NFTs to produce new items; however, this capability might not be accessible in this project. Despite this, Butcher and his group continue to forge ahead in the field of digital art, influencing the development of NFTs.

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